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How to Make Your Ex Jealous on Valentine's Day

How to celebrate being a single bad bitch on the most romantic day of the year.

Pinterest: Unsplash

Well… it’s that time of the year again. Valentine's Day is right around the corner and this holiday has always been one of my favorites. But this year something’s different. When I went to make my annual Valentine’s Day checklist I realized something very important was missing:

Cute outfit ✔

Heart-shaped decorations ✔

Romantic Spotify Playlist ✔

Valentine’s Day Cards ✔

Valentine’s Day Date….

So yeah, my plans for Valentine’s Day were shaping up to be a day of sitting alone on the couch, watching a bunch of Noah Centineo movies, and crying into my Ben and Jerry’s. That is until I came across this TikTok that got me thinking.

Sure, being single can suck. Especially on the most romantic day of the year. But why not turn it into the perfect excuse to embrace being the bad bitch you are and make your ex regret ever breaking up with you in the first place?

In that spirit, here are a few tips to help you on your journey to becoming a single V-day baddie.

Treat Yourself

I’m a big believer in treating yourself whenever you feel like it. But Valentine’s Day is the ultimate excuse. After all, every bad bitch knows that a fresh haircut or a new outfit can go a looooong way. So when February 14th hits, remember nothing’s off-limits.

Source: GIPHY

Fresh manicure? Treat yourself. New shoes? Treat yourself. Fenty lip-gloss? Treat. Your. Self.

It may seem stupid, but taking the time to be kind to yourself will give you a boost that others (your ex included) will be sure to notice.

Be Your Own Valentine

It’s a classic move embraced by the queen Cher Horowitz herself. In the middle of class or during a Zoom session, whip out a surprise bouquet of roses or a fancy box of chocolates from a ‘secret admirer.’ What can go wrong?

Will it be humiliating if you get caught? Maybe. Will it make your ex jealous?


Photoshoot Time

Make Tyra Banks proud and work those angles!

Grab your best outfit, find some bomb lighting, and go to town.

Once you’ve got your pics make sure to blast that shit all over social media so that your ex notices. When everybody sees how good you look, chances are you’ll be getting quite a few DM’s.

On this special, Covid-filled Valentine's Day, instead of crying over your ex, make them cry over you. Remember to wipe those tears, and get to work embracing the bad bitch lifestyle.

"This year my Valentine's Date is a threesome with Ben & Jerry in a bubble bath."
Girl, 20

P.S. If you're going to go the bubble bath route (which is always a move), you might as well post a promiscuous picture somewhere for your ex to see.

There's really not much to it though. With these three tips, you can fuck with your exes head while enjoying your V-Day in single bliss.


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