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4 Tips on How to Grow Post Breakup

Time to focus on you post breakup.

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Breakups are never easy. They’re emotional, overwhelming and just a complete mess. Whether they’re mutual or not, there is one good thing about breakups (it’s definitely not eating tubs of ice cream or watching hours of Netflix). Breakups can be a good time to work on personal growth because let’s face it, sometimes we become so absorbed in a relationship that we forget about ourselves. So take time to regroup and refocus on you using these four tips towards your personal growth post breakup.

Source: Unsplash

  1. Keep busy

Finding a way to keep busy after a breakup can be challenging but it’s crucial when it comes to taking your mind off your ex. Instead of spending your time thinking about ‘what went wrong’ in your relationship, try broadening your horizons by learning a new skill, such as trying to learn a new language or taking cooking lessons. Keep your mind occupied as much as you can! Being active is good for personal growth. Once you find a new skill or project that feeds your creativity your focus will be more on you and less on the relationship you just got out of.

Source: Unsplash

2. Surround yourself with friends/family

Hanging out with friends and family is always a good idea to keep your mind occupied. It’s a good way to reconnect and rebuild those bonds with the people you probably didn’t spend as much time with while you were in a relationship. The opportunity of being newly single means that you can spend your time however you want. Have a beach day or go dancing with friends, have a movie night in the backyard with your family or, if you’re able, plan a road trip. Spending more time with the people you’re close to is good for developing your personal growth. It allows you to take a step back and value the people who are still in your life.

Source: Unsplash

3. Mediation

Mental health is essential to personal growth after a breakup and one of the best ways to improve your mental health is mediation. Dr. Colleen Amann, a political ideologist, wrote an article on how to turn your breakup into a chance at personal growth. She wrote that mediation is used as a form of analysis to show a person what was or wasn’t working in their relationship. Mediation is incrediblyrelaxing and a great way to clear your mind to something other than your ex.

Source: Unsplash

4. Get to know yourself again

As you try and figure out your newly single life, use this time alone as an opportunity to find focus on yourself. Try and remember the person you were before you and your ex started dating. Time alone is a good way to achieve personal growth so try and explore different interests or focus on your career, and then when you're ready to begin dating again you’ll be a whole new person.

No matter how you choose to handle a breakup it’s important that you do it in a healthy way. Focusing on you and what you need during this time is essential to the healing part of the process. You got this!


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