Emma Riccardi

May 6, 20213 min

Remi Bader: Proof that Real is Beautiful

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

Here’s why the fashion industry ought to take cues from women like Remi.

Remi Bader has reenvisioned the “haul,” turning what can be a heartbreaking experience for women into hilarity.

Picture this:

You’re scrolling for hours through one of the most popular clothing brands’ websites, maybe it’s Brandy Melville, maybe it’s Urban Outfitters, whatever it is, you’ve found a bunch of cute clothes; screw the bank account, you’re buying them! Days go by, the clothes are on their way. The excitement heightens. A week or so later, hallelujah, the clothes have arrived. You sprint up their stairs to your room, (a rare occurrence if you’re me), and rip open the package. Now it’s game time.

For a lot of women, what happens next is make or break.

Will they fit?

If you’re ordering from a brand like Brandy Melville or Shein, and you’re not an A cup or a size 4ish, then the answer could go either way. Brandy’s ‘one size fits all’ slogan remains in full effect today, despite the fact that one size doesn’t fit all. Nothing stings quite like trying on the world’s cutest skirt, only to find that it’s too small on you, and when you finally squirm out of it, look down and read a label viciously insinuating… hmm it should fit you. It gets you thinking maybe you’re the problem, maybe you’re body is the problem.

Now if you’re Remi Bader, you quickly abandon this train of thought, grab your ring light, and head on over to TikTok to share your experience with your 1.3 million followers. Turning what can be a stressful, disappointing experience into something light and funny, because after all, we’ve all been there.

That’s what happens when an industry is unhurried to truly cater to what women look like as opposed to a specific beauty standard. The ‘supermodel skinny’ aesthetic of the early 2000s was eclipsed by the Kardashian reign, which embraced curvy women. However, this also brought on another wave of unrealistic beauty standards, as the ‘snatched waist’ and washboard abs are goals women face pressure to achieve, and the ideal image most popular clothing brands cater to.

Luckily, there are beautiful voices like Remi, who are not afraid to call out major brands on their ugly antics. Remi’s call for changes in the industry echo the desire of women everywhere. Women shouldn’t have to sacrifice style for comfortable sizing, or panic when May arrives and it’s time to begin the treacherous journey that is finding a flattering, supportive bathing suit that’s not the worst pattern you’ve ever seen.

Remi’s content brings an air of positivity to an industry and social platform that can be overwhelmingly negative. There is something so empowering about deciding what to wear, how to present yourself to the world, and feeling confident and beautiful in wardrobes you fashioned, that can be overshadowed by the stress of sizes and body image. Remi inspires her followers to celebrate their bodies and fashion journey, offering guidance, tips, and hilarious anecdotes along the way.

If you head on over to her TikTok, you’ll find hundreds of hauls from bathing suits to ballgowns, beauty routines, recreating celeb styles in a size 16, storytimes, and the occasional singing video! She really does it all.

At 25 years old, Remi is changing the lives of so many with her confidence, positivity, and charm, as she fosters an inclusive, supportive community. And as her following has grown, she has partnered with brands like Aerie, for their Body Positivity Campaign, and has also been featured on Sports Illustrated’s official Instagram account!

In spite of the attention and exciting opportunities that growth on the platform has brought her, Remi remains an authentic media presence, which explains people’s gravitation towards her and her content.